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Is there more to life than this?

We spend a lot of time each day asking and answering questions: When's my next. meeting?  What's for dinner?  But we also have bigger questions: Why am I here?  Is there more to life than this?  Alpha provides the space to consider some of life's bigger questions in a casual setting open to absolutely everyone. We'll meet once a week to enjoy some time of food and fellowship, listen to a talk about one of the bigger questions of life, and then discuss what we've heard in small groups.  

Is Alpha for me?

In a word, yes! Absolutely everyone can benefit from the Alpha experience: enjoying fellowship together, wrestling with some of life's big questions, and sharing our thoughts and reflections in a setting that allows for every point of view to be heard.  


What makes Alpha different is that it is not a "class," or a program intended to catechize or teach about the faith.  You don't need to have any particular background or experience in order to take part in Alpha.  Whether you're a weekly churchgoer or someone who is interested in hearing more about Jesus, this is an opportunity for you.

What's next?

Check out the resources on this page, and if you'd like to take part in an Alpha session, let us know.  Filling out the interest form isn't a firm commitment, but it'll help us prepare to best welcome everyone.  Alpha is a great opportunity to bring a friend, a neighbor, or someone else who might be seeking to know Jesus better!


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